Check out our new catalog here and make your days special.
At home, in the office or in the park for a sweet moment in style!
The most chocolatey story in Milan was born in 1913 in via de Cristoforis, where the Chocolate shop Zaini Milano is currently open.
In its craft chocolate laboratory are made products that evoke the taste and style of the past, but at the same time proposed with a trendy modern look, to keep the pleasure, the elegance and the excitement of a unique and refined product. Will be nice to think with whom to share it.
A place where time is suspended between a charming atmosphere and the seductive aroma of chocolate.
We have many solutions for your ideal gift. You can take a look here; But in case you would like to create something special or a different assortment for your hamper we are ready to help you. Come and visit us in via De Cristoforis 5 in Milan or contact us.
We will find together the best way to give a charming touch to your gifts.
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